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How to Fertilize Orchid Naturally

Fertilizing is an important step in the growth of orchids. You can either use inorganic, organic or natural fertilizers. The nutrients in organic fertilizers slowly release into the soil. Plants that are fertilized with organic fertilizers have fewer pest related problems and tolerant stress. Orchids grow best when you supply them with a diluted fertilizer solution at frequent intervals. You can use a couple of naturally prepared fertilizers for use in orchids.

Things You'll Need

  • Old pantyhose
  • Dehydrated cow manure
  • Rubber band
  • 1-gallon warm water
  • Fish emulsion


    • 1

      Cut a 1-foot section from the bottom of the panty hose to create a bag. Fill with one cup of the dehydrated cow manure. Do not use composted cow manure.

    • 2

      Tie the open end of the panty hose tightly with the rubber band. Place this bag into a gallon of warm water. Leave for 24 hours. The result will be a dark brown solution commonly referred to as compost tea.

    • 3

      Take 1 cup of the concentrated compost tea and add to 1 gallon of water for use in orchids. Use every ten to fourteen days on orchids that are in an active growth stage.

    • 4

      Use fish emulsion as another natural fertilizer for orchids. Fish emulsion is a widely used organic fertilizer for orchids.

    • 5

      Mix 1 tbsp. of fish emulsion concentrate with 1 gallon of water. Use every ten to fourteen days on orchids that are in an active growth stage.