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Can People Eat Persimmon Seeds?

Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) is a native fruit of China and comes in nearly 2,000 different varieties. The fruit has been in cultivation in its native habitat for the past several centuries and was introduced into the United States in the mid 19th century. Persimmon produces seed that are inedible in their raw form The entire fruit is in fact edible, except for the seed and calyx.
  1. Seed

    • Not all varieties of persimmon produce seeds. The non-astringent varieties of persimmon usually do not produce any seeds. American persimmons usually contain seeds that need to be removed. Persimmon seeds are oblong, dark brown and about 1/2 inch long. Certain varieties of the non-astringent persimmons are likely to produce seeds in the later years of growth. Persimmon seeds may be consumed after they are roasted, according to Abigail R. Gehring in her 2009 book "Homesteading."

    Seed Propagation

    • New persimmon plants grow easily with fresh seeds. After removing the seeds from the fruit, stratify by placing in the fridge by scattering on moist peat moss in a small container. Cover with a plastic bag and leave for six to eight weeks, making sure the peat moss remains moist throughout this period. Remove from fridge and plant one seed per moist, peat pellet. Cover with clear plastic and place in warm spot out of direct sun. It takes two to three weeks for the seeds to germinate.


    • Once the seedlings have germinated, transfer to medium-sized, individual pots filled with a loose potting soil. Let plants get a larger in size before transplanting to a permanent spot in the garden. Persimmons grow best in areas of full sun with good ventilation. A well-drained, deep, loam with a preferred pH of 6.5 to 7.5 assures optimal growth. Irrigate trees regularly to produce larger, better quality fruit.

    Fruit Description

    • Persimmon fruit is somewhat like a tomato with a lobed, round and slightly flattened to pointed form. Fruit skin color ranges between red and orange. Oriental persimmon varieties are about the size of medium sized tomatoes while the American persimmons are similar in size to large cherry tomatoes with a slightly drier flesh. The inner flesh on ripe fruit is gelatinous, smooth and very sweet in flavor. Persimmons cannot be eaten raw.
