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How to Take Care of a Flowering Maid of Orleans Jasmin

The Maid of Orleans jasmine is native to India, and is one of the most commonly cultivated jasmines in the world. It is easy to grow either outdoors or indoors as a potted plant. This jasmine variety is low-maintenance, but does require pruning for size control. A flowering Maid of Orleans jasmine will produce small white blooms that are round in shape and last only last 24 hours. As the blossoms fall off, the plant immediately replaces them.

Things You'll Need

  • Rake
  • Garden shears
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      Keep the plant in a spot that gets partial sun, which is four to six hours daily. For indoor plants, a window sill is appropriate if the plant is small enough.

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      Let the soil dry out slightly between watering. When it is dry to the touch, water the plant thoroughly until water comes out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. For outdoor plants, water until the soil is moist 4 to 6 inches below the soil surface.

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      Keep air circulating around flowering indoor jasmine plants. As the flower plant drops blossoms, rake them up or pick them up by hand and dispose of them to prevent insect infestation or the spread of disease.

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      Wait until the plant stops flowering to being pruning because the pruning process will encourage the Maid of Orleans to produce more flowers. Use gardening shears to cut off any dead or damaged branches, then cut back any branches that are growing too large for the space allotted for the plant.