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How to Trim an Indoor Jasmine

Jasmine is favored as an indoor plant because of its sweet, perfume-like scent, which is released all year long, but is especially potent during the blooming season, typically from August to late autumn. Whether you grow a jasmine plant indoors or outdoors, you must prune it annually to promote good health, new growth and annual blooms. Although their blooms, foliage and scent are all delicate, jasmine plants are fairly sturdy, so light pruning can also be done throughout the year as necessary to keep the plant healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden shears
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Bleach
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      Sterilize your garden shears with rubbing alcohol. Alternatively, you can make a solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water. Dip the shears in the solution, shake off the excess liquid and allow them to air dry. If you are trimming multiple jasmine plants, sterilize the shears after each plant.

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      Clip off dead, diseased stems and leaves. Anything you see that looks brown, shriveled, withered or otherwise unhealthy should be removed as soon as you see it. If removing leaves or small shoots, clip them as close to the main stem as possible. Stems should be clipped as close to the level of the soil as possible.

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      Thin the plant once it goes into its dormant stage. This is indicated when it stops flowering for the year, typically in late autumn or early winter. Remove all tangled or crowded stems and vines. Clip away any stems or shoots that did not produce flowers.

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      Cut back most of the plant once it goes into its dormant period. Remove one-half to two-thirds of the leaves and trim back any new growth to help keep the plant's shape. This will ensure healthy new growth the following year.