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Why Do Bamboo Stalks Turn Yellow?

Bamboo plants are part of the grass family and grow anywhere between 1 to 55 feet tall, depending on the variety. The evergreen plants have a running or clumping growth habit. Certain bamboos are classified as invasive weeds. A fungal infection causes stalks to start turning yellow.

  1. Identification

    • Bamboo plants are susceptible to root rot caused by Armillaria mellea. This disease is also referred to as shoestring root rot for the fine strings of fungal growth, or rhizomorphs, seen on infected roots and soil.


    • Armillaria mellea is characterized by the yellowing of aboveground plant areas. Infected plants are stunted in growth and there is gradual stalk or branch dieback. Inspection reveals white fungal mats under the bark. Tan- or honey-colored mushrooms often sprout near the plant base. Severely infected plants will wilt entirely under environmental stress, such as drought.


    • Use resistant plant varieties and water them well. Prepare the planting site carefully and remove all old roots from the area as the fungus persists in roots.