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My Eggplant Is Rotting in the Flower

Eggplants come in a variety of shapes and colors, and thrive best in regions with a long growing season. The cold-sensitive vegetable prefers a fertile, moist and warm soil for best growth. A fungal disease causes eggplant flowers to start rotting.

  1. Identification

    • Eggplants are susceptible to phomopsis blight caused by Phomopsis vexans. The fungus causes rot in all parts of the plants including fruit and flowers, and can infect eggplants at any stage of growth. Fungal growth is favored by moist, hot weather.


    • The disease is characterized by the appearance of brown spots on all plant areas. Plants affected at seedling stage are girdled and killed. The 1-inch diameter spots are brown to gray and have dark borders. With progression of disease, dots of black, fungal fruiting bodies develop in the center. Affected areas rot and blacken.


    • Obtain disease-free, healthy seed from reliable sources and use resistant cultivars. Rotate crops and use furrow irrigation in large plantings as this reduces spread of fungal spores from splashing water.