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Why Did My Lantana Plant Turn Black?

Lantana (Lantana spp.) is an evergreen shrub from the verbena family with rough-edged foliage and flower clusters in shades of red-orange, purple or red. The shrub has a fast growth rate and prefers areas of full sun. A pest infestation causes leaves to start turning black.

  1. Identification

    • Lantana is susceptible to infestation from whiteflies that cause the plant to blacken from the development of sooty mold. The 3/16-inch long giant whitefly specifically infests lantana shrubs. Adults resemble tiny moths and the wingless, legless larvae are small and oval.


    • The pests initially collect on foliage undersides and suck plant sap or juice with their long mouths. As they feed, the pests secrete a sticky substance called honeydew that deposits on all infested areas. Honeydew leads to the development of black sooty mold fungus that gives the plant the black look. Fungus affects the photosynthetic process of foliage. Infested plants grow slowly and suffer from leaf drop.


    • Remove all affected plant areas. You can introduce natural predators like green lacewings, syrphid fly larvae and Asian lady beetles in infested plants. The use of chemical insecticides is generally not recommended for pest control.