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Submerged Pond Weed Control

Although plants add to the aesthetic value of the ponds and keep water healthy, undesired or excessive vegetation is harmful to other plants and fish. Submerged weeds grow under the water and often only have their seed heads and flowers visible. Submerged pond weeds can be controlled by a number of ways.
  1. Reducing Nutrients

    • Reducing the nutrients in the water is a preventative strategy for avoiding weeds. The Penn State Cooperative Extension suggests creating a riparian buffer around the pond as this will slow the flow of water into the pond. This will ensure that the nutrients from fertilizers used around the pond are settled down before they enter pond water.


    • Adding dyes to pond water reduces light in the water and retards photosynthesis, consequently affecting the growth of all underground plants. Dyes do not affect the upper 2 feet in the water and are most effective on submerged weeds. Dye treatments remain effective for about six months following application.


    • The Ohio State University Extension lists the use of diquat dibromide, endothall and 2, 4-D for the control of submerged weeds in ponds. All herbicides are sold under different trade names and are available in liquid or granular form.