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Herbicides for Control of Field Sandbur

Field sandbur (Cenchrus spinifex), also referred to as spiny sandbur and burgrass, is an annual weed with sharp edged, spiny burs or bracts. The erect or prostrate stems grow 6 to 1 ½ feet tall. The shallow rooted weed reproduces with seed. A number of herbicides help to control field sandbur.
  1. Types

    • The Texas A&M University Extension lists the use of oryzalin, benefin and pendimethalin for the control of field sandbur. All chemicals are sold under different trade names.


    • Products containing oryzalin are selective preemergence herbicides that retard the germination of weed seeds. Oryzalin controls broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in lawns, vineyards and ornamental plantings. Benefin is a preemergence herbicide that effectively controls broadleaf weeds and annual grasses including field sandbur. Pendimethalin herbicides are both a preemergence and early post emergence control of a variety of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.


    • To control field sandbur, apply two to four weeks prior to expected germination of weed seeds. Avoid applying more than a month before germination, as this reduces efficacy. Remove all grass clippings or leaf debris prior to herbicide application. Water treated areas immediately, as this helps to move the chemicals into the soil.