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Organic Fertilizer for Pastures

Pastures refer to open expanses of land planted with a variety of forage crops for the grazing of livestock or horses. Like all plants, forages in pastures also require fertilizers. The use of organic fertilizers for pastures ensures a relatively safe option for the health of the animals.
  1. Identification

    • According to David Frape in Equine Nutrition and Feeding (2010), the most used organic fertilizer for pastures is farmyard manure. This preferably excludes the use of horse manure.


    • Farmyard manure is a rich source of all essential nutrients as well as the trace elements required for optimal plant growth. Nearly 70 to 80 percent of nitrogen, 80 to 90 percent of the potassium and 60 to 80 percent of phosphorus in animal feed products are released in the manure, as cited by Stephen J. Herbert of the University of Massachusetts Extension.

    Application Recommendations

    • Using fresh manure and incorporating in soil as quickly as possible helps to prevent the loss of ammonia and also minimizes odors. Apply less amounts to larger pasture areas than an excessive amount to less acres. Spread in a uniform layer for best results. Avoid application during high rainfall season as this causes nitrogen loss and increases chances of groundwater contamination.