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Leaf-Eating Bugs on Indoor Petunias

Petunias (Petunia x hybrida) belong to the nightshade family and grow both as perennials and annuals. The plants perform well in the garden and in containers and display their funnel shaped flowers in shades of yellow, red, blue, purple and white. Petunias foliage is susceptible to damage from a number of pests.
  1. Identification

    • Thrips and spider mites are among the potential, leaf damaging pests on petunias.


    • Spider mites are tiny, 1/20-inch long pests that inhabit foliage undersides in large numbers. The eight-legged pests have oval bodies and belong to the arachnid family. Thrips are very small, fly like insects with fringed, narrow wings. The pests are less than 1/20 inch in length and come in different colors.


    • Thrips mostly infest the new growth on plants including foliage. Damage leads to distorted foliage and premature leaf drop. Leaves become papery in texture. Spider mites feed on sap or cell contents of foliage. Damage appears in the form of light colored dots on the leaves. Infested foliage starts to assume bronze shades, gradually turns yellow and falls.


    • Introduce predatory mites such as the western predatory mite in infested plants as a biological control option for spider mites. Chemical control methods include the use of insecticidal oils or soaps. Control thrips in petunias with the use of predatory insects that include minute pirate bugs and predaceous mites. You can also use azadirachtin, neem oil and narrow range oils for thrip control.