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Can You Use a Grounded Rubber Tire for a Vegetable Garden?

Ground rubber tires are a form of inorganic mulch widely used in playgrounds. As the name suggests, the mulch is obtained from crushing or crumbling old tires. Though a number of inorganic mulches such as plastic, cardboard and rug stripes may be used as mulch in a vegetable garden, grounded rubber tire is not recommended.
  1. Composition

    • Mulch obtained from rubber tire contains zinc and other chemicals that start to leach and affect the growth of plants. Extended use of rubber tire mulch in gardens is also likely to permanently toxify the soil, as cited by Owen E. Dell in "Sustainable Landscaping for Dummies."


    • Rubber tire mulch is especially unsuitable for use in vegetable gardens because the leached chemicals are likely to be absorbed by the vegetables, as cited by Nancy Alderman of the Environment and Human Health Inc. website. An analysis of rubber tire mulch conducted by the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station has also revealed the presence of a carcinogen in the mulch obtained from rubber tires.


    • The use of mulch not only helps to reduce weeds in vegetable but also improves plant health by retaining soil moisture. According to Doug Welsh in "Doug Welsh's Texas Garden Almanac," it is best to use organic mulches in vegetable gardens. These include straw, bark, compost and leaves.