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Grass Killer for Vegetable Gardens

The growth of undesired grasses in vegetable gardens affects the vigor of plants by competing for space, nutrients and water, and leads to low quality yields. Grasses are often hard to control given their large seed quantity and fibrous roots. You can use a recommended herbicide for getting rid of unwanted grasses in vegetable gardens.
  1. Identification

    • The University of Delaware Extension and the North Carolina State University Extension recommend the use of sethoxydim for killing grasses in vegetable gardens. The chemical is available under different trade names.


    • Products with sethoxydim are postemergence control methods for a number of annual and perennial grasses. The selective herbicide also has indoor uses and is available in the form of emulsifiable concentrate.


    • Sethoxydim helps to control grasses in cole crops, greens, cucumbers, asparagus, muskmelons, radishes, peppers, turnips, rutabagas, tomatoes, white potatoes, watermelons and summer and winter squash. The herbicide does not control broadleaf weeds or nutsedge.