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Tropical Fruits Growing on Bushes

Tropical fruits are native to the tropical regions of the world, an area covering nearly 40 percent of the land on Earth. Tropical weather is generally warm and humid, and the fruits of these regions have low tolerance for cold temperature and frost. A number of tropical fruits grow on shrubs or bushes.
  1. Identification

    • Guavas and feijoa are among the tropical fruits that grow on bush-like shrubs. The relatively compact size of these plants makes them well-suited for smaller gardens.


    • Guavas are a native of Mexico and Central America and grow on 12-feet-tall evergreen shrubs or small trees. The shallow-rooted plant grows close to the ground with oval, 2- to 6-inches long, aromatic foliage. The round or pear-shaped fruit is 2 to 4 inches long with pink, yellow or red flesh. Feijoas grow on 15 feet tall, evergreen shrubs with spreading branches. The ¾- to 3 ½-inches-long fruit with a juicy, thick flesh is a native of Brazil and Argentina.

    Cultural Requirements

    • Feijoa grows best in areas with cool winters and summer temperatures ranging 80 to 90 degrees. The plant is highly susceptible to damage from late spring frosts and requires at least 50 chill hours for adequate flower production. Guava trees grow well in both dry and humid climates and are not hardy to temperatures below 29 degrees F. Very cold weather may kill younger trees entirely.