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How to Get Rid of Whiteflies on Avocado Trees

Avocado trees are susceptible to infestation from whiteflies. The pests are 1/16 inch long, closely resembling small moths, and they infest foliage undersides, feeding on plant sap. The eggs are light green to purple, and the emerging nymphs have red eyes and are yellow in color. Damage results in chlorosis or yellowing foliage and poor tree growth. You can get rid of whiteflies from avocado trees in a number of ways.

Things You'll Need

  • Natural predator pests
  • Insecticidal soap
  • Ant baits
  • Caterpillars
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      Introduce natural predators that prey on whiteflies. The University of California's Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program notes the most important of these are parasitic wasps, especially those from the Cales, Eretmocerus or Encarsia species. Spiders also prey on the adult whiteflies in avocado trees.

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      Use additional natural predators that feed specifically on whitefly nymphs. These include green lacewings, "bigeyed" bugs, lady beetles and pirate bugs.

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      Control other pests that will interfere with these natural predators. Use insecticide baits to control ants in trees and Bacillus thuringiensis for caterpillars.

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      Give new trees a healthy start by buying from reputable sources and inspecting carefully for any whiteflies or other pest infestation prior to planting.

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      Spray trees with insecticidal soap. Insecticidal soaps are soap prepared with special insecticidal properties and work by destroying the protective coatings of target pests. Cover infested tree areas well for maximum effects and obtain as direct contact with the insects as possible. Washington State University Extension says the product has no residual effects and may have to be applied again.

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      Use a strong spray of water to dislodge the pests from the tree. This is effective for small populations of pests.