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How to Destroy a Rose Bush

Rose bushes are a welcome addition in any garden and provide years of beauty and color in the landscape. The flowers come in hundreds of varieties, growing as small trees, shrubs, vines and groundcovers and are among the most recognized flower across the world, cites Field Roebuck in 'Complete Roses.' However, there is often the need to get rid of a rose bush in the garden. You can do this by digging out smaller plants entirely from roots or you can use herbicide. Using herbicide is the best way to kill and destroy unwanted plants, as recommended by the Ohio State University Extension.

Things You'll Need

  • Glyphosate
  • Axe
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      Use products containing glyphosate to effectively destroy rosebushes up to 15 feet tall. The non-selective, general use herbicide is sold under different trade names and is effective for the control of all perennial and annual plants.

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      Spray herbicide evenly on all foliage. This process is referred to as foliar treatment. The best time to use glyphosate is during the active growth stage of plant between late spring and late summer as the chemical is then translocated at a faster rate throughout the plant including the roots.

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      Cover plant from all sides but do not drench the plant to the point of runoff. Avoid using glyphosate on hot days or on rose bushes that are drought stressed. Do not use when there is chance of rain within six hours of application.

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      Repeat application after about a week. Cut down the dead plant to the stump. Get rid of the stump by grinding or digging it out. If you cannot manually dig out the stump, you can tie a chain around it and pull it out by attaching to a truck or tractor.