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How to Germinate Monarda Didyma Seeds

Monarda didyma, or common beebalm, delights gardeners with its showy flower clusters and intense, citrusy fragrance, which exudes from the leaves when they are crushed. The plants resemble mint in most respects since they are closely related, but the flowers are showier and feature a series of tubular blossoms arranged along the outer edge of a round flower head. Like most mint relatives, Monarda didyma grows well from fresh seeds if they are sown in starter pots filled with moist soil, but they sometimes take longer than one month to germinate and up to six months to fully mature.

Things You'll Need

  • 3-inch starter pots
  • Potting soil
  • Seedling compost
  • Perlite
  • Spray bottle
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    • 1

      Sow Monarda didyma seeds in early spring around mid-March. Chill the seeds inside a refrigerator for 10 days before sowing to help break their dormancy.

    • 2

      Prepare a pot for each Monarda didyma plant desired. Fill 3-inch starter pots with a mixture of 2-parts potting soil, 2-parts seedling compost and 1-part perlite. Pour 1/8 cup of water into each pot and let the excess water drain for 10 to 15 minutes before sowing the seeds.

    • 3

      Sow four Monarda didyma seeds in each 3-inch starter pot. Press the tiny, light-brown seeds onto the surface of the soil mixture. Spread a scant layer of seedling compost over the seeds but avoid burying them completely, because they require light to germinate.

    • 4

      Mist each starter pot with six or seven spritzes from a spray bottle. Stick your fingertip into the soil at the edge of the pots to feel if it is moist at a depth of 1/2 inch. Maintain moisture at that level during germination.

    • 5

      Place the starter pots on a sunny windowsill or outdoors inside a cold frame, depending on what is available to you. Rotate the pots half a revolution every day to ensure even light exposure.

    • 6

      Watch for germination starting in 10 days but do not be discouraged if it takes up to one and a half months for germination to occur. Thin the Monarda didyma seedlings to one per pot once they grow to 1 inch in height. Remove the weakest seedlings.

    • 7

      Transplant the Monarda didyma seedlings into a garden bed with loamy soil and partial shade once outdoor temperatures rise above 65 F during the day.