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How to Grow Basil in Egg Cartons

Start your basil indoors and this sweet member of the mint family will be ready to enjoy sooner. Basil is sensitive to cold weather, so it's best to start your seedlings in May so they will be ready for transplanting in June. There are many varieties of basil, so do a little research before deciding which kind is best suited to your needs. Basil is grown mostly for its leaves, which may be dried or used fresh. Crush some leaves into a basket or tie the stems together and hang them up for a fragrant display in your kitchen.

Things You'll Need

  • Egg carton
  • Utility knife
  • Large nail
  • Potting soil
  • Water
  • Basil seeds
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    • 1

      Slice the top off the empty egg carton carefully, using a sharp utility knife. Set the top aside for later use.

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      Use the nail to poke a small hole in the center of the bottom of each egg cup. Proper drainage is crucial for basil to thrive.

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      Fill the egg cups to the top with the potting soil. Add a few drops of water to each section to moisten the soil. Avoid overwatering -- the soil should be slightly damp, not soggy. Keep the soil damp by checking daily and watering if the soil appears dry.

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      Put three to four seeds in each cup. Gently press them into the soil about 1/4 inch. Slip the top of the carton beneath the container for a handy tray.

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      Place the seed tray in a sunny window, preferably on the south side of your house. If there is less than full sun for six hours a day you may need to place the seeds under a fluorescent light for up to 10 hours a day.

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      Remove the seedlings from the egg carton after germination by gently squeezing the bottom of each section in turn to loosen the soil so you can gently hold onto the seedling and its dirt. Germination takes about one week. Transplant the 1-inch seedlings into a bigger pot or outdoors.