Home Garden

How to Clip Chives

Keeping a pot of chives on your balcony or a chive plant in your garden gives you season-long access to this tasty garnish. With a flavor reminiscent of mild green onions, chives are suitable in salads, sprinkled over a bowl of soup or piled on a baked potato. The method of clipping chives from the plant is quick enough that you can do it while the food is cooking. People eat the stalks, or leaves, of the plant, rather than the flowers.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors or kitchen shears
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      Determine how many chives you want to clip. The amount you cutk depends on how you are using the garnish and how many people you are serving.

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      Locate some large, green chive leaves on the plant. Avoid cutting yellowish leaves, which have lost some of their flavor, or small leaves, which have yet to develop fully. It's usually easiest to cut the plant from the outside, where the leaves are most accessible.

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      Pull the chives aside and snip them with scissors or kitchen shears roughly 2 inches from the soil line. If flowers develop, remove the flowers with the scissors or shears in the garden or once you get the plant to the kitchen.