Home Garden

Blanching Herbs

If your herb garden netted more aromatic and flavorful herbs than you can use in a season, the extra herbs are easily preserved by freezing. Although most foods require blanching to stop deterioration caused by the development of enzymes in the plant, blanching herbs isn't absolutely necessary. However, it helps to enhance and preserve the bright color of the herbs, and ensures the frozen herbs stay fresh longer. When blanched, herbs retain their quality for about six months.

Things You'll Need

  • Large saucepan
  • Tongs
  • Bowl
  • Ice water
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    • 1

      Shake the fresh herbs to remove dirt and grit. If the herbs are badly soiled, or if pesticides or herbicides have been used near your herb garden, rinse the herbs in cool water.

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      Fill a large saucepan with water. Bring the water to a full boil.

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      Hold a bunch of the herbs with tongs. Dip the herbs in the boiling water until they turn bright green, usually no more than 45 to 50 seconds

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      Cool the the blanched herbs quickly by dipping them in a bowl of ice water. Alternatively, place the blanched herbs on a layer of paper towels, and allow them to air-dry.