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How to Germinate Parsley With Hot Water

While parsley is a common herb in many types of cuisine, growing it from seed is reputed to be difficult and unpredictable. The seeds have a tough outer casing that must dissolve before it can germinate; often, the casing does not deteriorate and seeds cannot sprout. You can speed the process and increase the likelihood of the parsley sprouting with a heat treatment. Germinate parsley with hot water to ensure the tough casing dissolves before you plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Shallow tray, such as a lid to a plastic container
  • Cooking thermometer
  • Gravel
  • Planter with drainage holes
  • Fertilized potting soil
  • Compost
  • Spoon
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      Place the parsley seeds in a shallow tray. Heat water to approximately 120 degrees Fahrenheit in a pot or measuring cup. Use a cooking thermometer to ensure the water is the correct temperature. Pour the water over the seeds, submerging them by at least 1/8 inch. Keep the seeds in the water for 12 hours or overnight.

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      Prepare the seeds’ final growing area. Remember that parsley does not take well to transplanting. Add a 1/2-inch layer of gravel in the bottom of a planter to ensure the parsley does not drown or rot. Fill the planter three-quarters full with potting soil and then add enough compost to fill it 1 inch from the top.

      Ask at your local gardening store if the species of parsley you are growing is suitable for your hardiness zone. She can give you instructions to grow the parsley in ground specific to your area if you do not prefer container or indoor growing.

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      Soak the compost and soil in the planter with enough water to run out the drainage holes. Remove the parsley seeds from the water and place them on the compost layer with a spoon. Press them firmly against the compost with the back of the spoon, creating an even layer of seeds. Place the planter in a warm, sunny area. Within two weeks, the seedlings should begin to sprout.

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      Water the parsley’s soil whenever it becomes dry on the top layer. Keep in a warm, sunny window. Within 12 to 14 weeks, the parsley should be ready to harvest. Tend the parsley according to your local gardening center guidelines if you received outdoor care instructions.