Home Garden

How to Grow Lemongrass in Wisconsin

Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) gives a burst of fresh citrus flavoring to Thai, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Laotian cooking and grows best as an annual in Wisconsin, where it thrives in hot summers. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11, lemon grass is a frost-tender perennial grass that's usually grown vegetatively from plants purchased at a nursery or garden center or stalks from a grocery store that have been encouraged to form roots. Lemon grass can survive Wisconsin winters on a sunny indoor windowsill, if kept frost-free.

Things You'll Need

  • Insecticidal soap spray
  • Sharp knife
  • Trowel
  • Plant pot
  • Potting soil
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      Grow lemon grass in a full-sun site, in well-drained, organically rich soil. Lemon grass also tolerates partial shade and most soil types, but won't grow as vigorously.

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      Space plants 2 to 3 feet apart, and water regularly so that the ground is constantly moist, but not sodden.

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      Check lemon grass for chewed leaves, which are a sign of snail attack. Search thoroughly among plant leaves for snails and remove or destroy them.

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      Harvest lemon grass stalks in fall before first frosts. Cut stalks off at ground level with a sharp knife, and cut off leaves above the first 6 inches of stalk.

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      Dig up a 3- or 4-leaf section with a trowel for overwintering. Cut off leaves above the first 6 inches, and plant in a pot with drainage holes and just large enough to accommodate the roots without cramping. Place the pot on a bright windowsill and keep it frost-free. Water sparingly, just enough to prevent the soil drying out.

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      Check lemon grass growing indoors for red spider mite infestation, which appears as fine webbing on the undersides of leaves. Spray plants with a ready-to-use insecticidal soap spray or dilute 2.5 ounces of concentrate with 1 gallon of water before spraying according to the manufacturer's instructions. Repeat spray as necessary.