Home Garden

Symbolic Uses of Rosemary

Native to the Mediterranean, the strongly-scented rosemary plant symbolizes remembrance, love, friendship and fidelity to many people. Mythology about it dates back to the Egyptians where it was often found in tombs. Later, it was strongly featured in the mythologies of both the ancient Greeks and Romans, and legends associating it with the Virgin Mary persist to this day.

  1. At Weddings and Funerals

    • Inspired by the ancient Greek belief that rosemary enhanced memory, it has been used in weddings since that time, as a symbol for fidelity. Brides frequently wore it in wreathes around their heads, as Anne of Cleves is said to have done when she married King Henry VIII. Some couples also made bouquets of rosemary to give to wedding guests as reminders of their love and promises of loyalty. The same association was evoked at funerals where mourners frequently tossed rosemary into the grave in loving remembrance of the deceased.

    In Literature

    • Great renaissance playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson used rosemary's symbolism to communicate the desire for remembrance, love and fidelity in their work. In Hamlet, Ophelia powerfully uses rosemary to plead with her brother to remember their family and avenge their father's murder. Ben Jonson plays allude to its use during New Year's celebrations when it is offered as a gift to guests to wish them happiness.

    For Protection

    • An ancient legend linked rosemary with the Virgin Mary. It was believed that she threw her cloak over a rosemary bush and that is why its flowers are blue. This association caused people to link rosemary with good fortune and protection. For example, rosemary placed under the pillow was said to protect against evil spirits and bad dreams, and in French hospitals they burned rosemary to prevent infection.

    In the Home

    • In ancient Rome, rosemary was draped on household statues because it symbolized stability. Later, during the Middle Ages, newlywed couples would plant a sprig of rosemary in their gardens. If it grew, it was declared a good omen for the couple. Thriving rosemary gardens symbolized the strength and power of the woman of the house.