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How to Cut Dill Weed

Every part of the dill plant serves a culinary purpose. The leaves provide a fresh or dried herb for soups, salads and dips. The seeds provide a spice and the flowers are sometimes used to flavor pickles. These annual plants take six weeks to flower, but leaves can be harvested sooner. Cutting the plant at the right time ensures a lush harvest and may enable you to enjoy leaves and flower or seeds from the same plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Shears
  • Paper bag


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      Cut leaves from the dill plants as needed once the seedlings are about 6 inches tall and have multiple leaves. Cut the leaf stems flush with the main stem to remove. Remove no more than half the leaves at a single trimming so the plant can continue to produce.

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      Stop harvesting leaves once the dill sends up flower buds. The leaves develop a bitter flavor once the plant sets buds.

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      Trim off the flower heads for use when the small blossoms open fully and show their yellow color. Leave some flower heads on the plant if you want to also grow the dill for seed production.

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      Cut down the whole plant after the flowers wilt but before the seed heads turn completely brown. Hang the dill flower heads upside down in a paper bag for one to two weeks, or until the seeds turn brown and fall off the flower head and into the bag.