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How to Kill Garlic Chives

An herb garden without some variety of chives may not seem complete. Although standard chives will serve many culinary purposes, some gardeners and cooks desire a chive variation with a hint of garlic. Garlic chives resemble standard chives, but the white blossoms grow larger. One drawback of growing the perennial is its tendency to spread. If you decide to remove the garlic chives from your garden, there are several methods of killing them.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden trowel
  • Spray herbicide


    • 1

      Dig up the garlic chives by hand to remove them. Use a garden trowel to dig beneath the soil and pull up the plants by the roots. Work until you remove every portion of roots you can see.

    • 2

      Monitor the chives throughout the growing season to remove the growth as it appears. Do not allow the chives to blossom at all; remove the plants before you see any blooms. If you allow any blooms to stay on the plants, they will drop seeds that will grow the following season.

    • 3

      Spray herbicide onto any surviving garlic chives at the end of the summer. Select a sunny day with temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Saturate the foliage carefully with the herbicide, but take care not to allow any spray to touch surrounding plant foliage.

    • 4

      Wait two weeks to assess the progress of the herbicide. The garlic chives should be visibly dying within this period. If you still see chives growing, reapply the herbicide.

    • 5

      Check the garlic chives the next spring. Repeat the same process of pulling plants throughout the growing season, preventing blossoms, and applying herbicide at the end of the summer. Continue this process every growing season until you have killed the garlic chives completely.