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How to Grow a Gotu Kola

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is the common name of a perennial herbal plant also known as Asiatic coinwort. It is originally from wetlands in China, India and Asia but has spread to many parts of the world and become naturalized. According to the Floridata website, the American population of coinwort is now considered a separate species with the name C. erecta. Gotu kola is an important medical herb in Indian and Chinese herbal medicine.


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      Plant gotu kola in a sunny location with damp or boggy soil. It thrives in sandy soils rich in organic matter. Gotu kola is hardy down to temperatures of 0 degrees Fahrenheit and can be grown in USDA zones 7 and above. Leave at least 2 feet between plants as they can grow to be 3 feet in diameter.

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      Water your gotu kola plant regularly to keep the soil thoroughly wet and never allow it to dry out. Gotu kola will grow in flooded areas provided its leaves protrude above the surface of the water. Plants will die back if the soil dries out but regrow after rain.

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      Propagate your gotu kola plant by replanting small plantlets that grow from the parent plant on overground runners. Cut through the runner once the plantlet has formed its own roots and plant in damp soil. Overwinter the plants in a greenhouse before planting them out in the garden after the last frost. Gotu kola can also be propagated easily from seed sown in damp soil in the spring or by dividing established plants.