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How to Take Care of an Indoor Thyme Plant

Thyme is a versatile herb that grows well both outdoors and indoors in pots. It is normally a medium-sized shrub, but remains much smaller when planted in a pot. The thin leaves that grow from the woody stems are very aromatic and are used in a variety of food dishes. When caring for an indoor thyme plant, try to maintain optimal growing conditions to the extent possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Grow lights (optional)
  • Pot with drainage holes
  • Dish
  • Water
  • Thermometer
  • Empty milk jug
  • Balanced liquid fertilizer
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      Place the thyme plant in a location that receives full sunlight for at least four to six hours a day, such as near a window. If no window is available, purchase plant grow lights and position them at least 2 to 4 inches above the thyme plants.

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      Pick up the pot the thyme is planted in and make sure there are drainage holes in the bottom of it. If no drainage holes are in the pot, replant the thyme plant into another pot with holes. Set the pot on a dish to catch the excess water runoff.

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      Water the thyme plant only when the top 1 inch of soil in the pot feels dry to the touch. Apply water until it runs out of the bottom of the pot.

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      Turn the thyme pot 1/2 a turn every two to three days to prevent the plant from leaning toward the light source or the sun.

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      Place a thermometer next to the pot and ensure that the location maintains a temperature of between 60 and 75 F for optimal growth.

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      Fill an empty milk jug with a balanced, liquid plant fertilizer using the amount specified on the bottle for a single plant. Add twice the amount of water recommended on the bottle to dilute it. Pour half of the mixture into the pot and save the rest. Repeat the fertilizer application once per month from spring through mid-fall.