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Companion Planting with Wasabi

Wasabi (Wasabia japonica) is a member of the cole family of vegetables, which includes cabbage, kale, collards and kohlrabi. This plant takes two years to produce an edible rhizome and requires plenty of water, shade and deep, sulfur-rich soil. According to Cornell University, cole crops grow well when planted with aromatic herbs like parsley, chamomile and chives. Wasabi can also be companion planted with onions, and benefit from their insect-repelling properties.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • Spade
  • 12-12-12 fertilizer
  • Mulch
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      Plant wasabi roots in mid-spring, when temperatures are consistently above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Soak the wasabi roots in a bowl of cool water the night before planting.

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      Plant the roots 12 inches apart in moist soil that is shaded for most of the day. Cover roots completely, up to the first set of leaves on the plant.

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      Companion-plant wasabi with onions or chives, spacing plants 12 inches apart. Parsley and chamomile also do well in moist shade.

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      Fertilize with 12-12-12 fertilizer at time of planting, and repeat every three to four months, following directions on the package for correct proportions.

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      Spread a 2-inch layer of mulch between rows of companion-planted wasabi, chives, onions, parsley and chamomile to help hold moisture in the soil and suppress weeds.

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      Harvest chives, parsley, chamomile and dill throughout the growing season, onions each fall, and wasabi every other year, when its roots are 4 to 6 inches long.