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Why Do Maple Trees Wilt?

Maples (Acer spp.) are deciduous trees grown as ornamental plants for their bright fall colors. The trees have colorful stems and peeling barks. Maple trees grow best in areas with cool climate. A fungal infection causes maple trees to start wilting.
  1. Identification

    • Maple trees are susceptible to verticillium wilt caused by the verticillium fungi. The fungi infect the vascular system of the tree responsible for conducting water and nutrients. Trees infected during dormancy start to display symptoms in early spring.


    • Verticillium wilt is characterized by wilting foliage and dying branches. The symptoms start at one side of the tree and spread as the disease progresses. There is leaf scorching and stunted growth. Foliage density is also reduced. Cankers often develop on bark. Gradually the entire tree is killed.


    • Keep trees in good health with adequate irrigation and fertilization. Remove severely affected trees entirely from root to minimize spread of disease. Use resistant varieties in susceptible areas. The University of California Extension suggests soil solarization prior to planting to kill possible fungi in soil.