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What Is Tribulus Extract?

Tribulus extract comes from the Tribulus terrestris plant, commonly called the puncture vine. You might use tribulus extract to boost athletic performance, but no conclusive scientific evidence supports the herb's medicinal use for any health purpose.
  1. Uses

    • Herbalists in China, Greece and India have used tribulus in traditional medicine to treat infertility in both men and women, as well as to improve recovery after a long illness. Today, tribulus is used in herbal medicine primarily for sports-performance enhancement, but also to ease menopausal symptoms and to treat infertility and sexual dysfunction in men and women.


    • Preliminary medical evidence indicates that tribulus extract can increase levels of hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Tribulus extract's potential influence on anabolic hormones in men has led to its use in possibly improving athletic performance and body composition.


    • Although tribulus plants are toxic to sheep, there are no known adverse effects in humans. Keep in mind, however, that no comprehensive safety studies have been performed on tribulus extracts. Also, the potential effects on hormones could make tribulus extracts unsafe for pregnant and breastfeeding women.