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Where Do You Cut Cilantro When it Grows Flowers?

Spicy cilantro gives salads, soups and meats a fresh, bold flavor when used freshly cut. This herb grows readily from seed in USDA hardiness zones 6 to 10 and can be cut twice, once before and once after flowers develop.
  1. Considerations

    • Gardeners should cut cilantro before it flowers when the leaves get to 6 inches. Once flowers develop, the cilantro leaves can acquire a bitter taste and gardeners should allow the flowers to open, then dry so they can harvest coriander seeds. Coriander just refers to the seed from cilantro.


    • When flowers develop, let them open and wait until the seed pods turn brown, then cut the plant off at the base. Put the plant in a paper bag to dry, then remove the seed pods for homegrown coriander.

    Time Frame

    • Cilantro grows from late spring to early summer, and the plants tend to flower in mid summer. To get the most from your plant, cut the foliage at 6 inches, then let it grow and flower, and cut the second time for coriander.