Home Garden

How to Grow Goldenseal Herbs

Goldenseal is a perennial herb native to North America. Goldenseal is endangered in the wild due to over-harvesting and habitat destruction. It is easy grow at home, especially with rootstock rather than seeds. The herb grows readily from pieces of root, but seeds germinate unpredictably.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden fork
  • Compost
  • Goldenseal rootlets
  • Trowel
  • Mulch
  • Wire mesh
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      Prepare the soil in a shady location during the spring. Till the soil thoroughly with a fork and remove any obstructions, such as rocks and tree roots. Goldenseal grows particularly well in raised beds.

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      Introduce compost to the site during the next few months before planting. Add one or two Introduce compost to the site during the next few months before planting. Add one or two forkfuls per square yard. per square yard.

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      Obtain goldenseal rootlets from a nursery or from another gardener with established plants. Plant the rootlets at about 1 inch deep and 8 or more inches apart during the early fall. The plants appear in the early spring

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      Spread a couple of inches of mulch such as shredded bark or dead leaves around the plant to help the soil retain moisture and warmth. The mulch mimics the leaf litter in goldenseal's natural habitat.

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      Water the herb during exceptionally dry spells although goldenseal usually doesn't need extra water. It rarely needs pest control. Wire mesh barriers to keep out voles may be necessary if voles are a problem in your area. Creating a gap of a few inches between the plants and the mulch layer reduces damage from slugs, if this appears to be an issue.