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How to Grow Herbs in a Strawberry Pot

Container gardening provides many advantages such as a chance to grow and harvest plants before they appear in the market, improved drainage, increase in yield and almost no weed or pest problems. A strawberry pot or strawberry container is one pot gardeners consider when growing small-sized plants like herbs. The 18- to 20-inch-tall pot is composed of six to eight holes along its sides and one at the top, allowing gardeners to grow different types of upright or trailing herbs. The strawberry container increases growing space by allowing gardeners to grow several different types of herbs in one spot.

Things You'll Need

  • Gravel or broken crockery
  • Potting soil
  • Watering can
  • Liquid fertilizer
  • Neem oil (optional)
  • Liquid soap
  • Spray bottle
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      Add a thin layer of gravel or broken crockery pieces over the base of the pot to improve drainage.

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      Pour soil into the strawberry pot through the top hole until just below the lowermost hole or set of holes along the sides. Depending on personal preference, use commercial potting soil, or mix equal amounts of pert moss, perlite and compost and add to the container.

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      Poke a seedling through the lowest side opening and spread its roots. Hold it so it does not move and back fill its roots with soil poured through the top. Place your free hand through the top opening and tamp the soil around the seedling to remove trapped air pockets. Repeat the process to plant another seedling in each adjacent hole, or pour soil into the pot through the top opening until it lies just below the next hole (that is slightly above).

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      Pour soil and plant herb seedlings into the holes along the side of the strawberry pot until 4 inches below the rim. Plant the tallest, widest or bushiest herb plant in the opening at the top of the strawberry pot. Bury the root ball of the herb completely and tamp it to remove air pockets.

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      Place the strawberry pot in an indoor or outdoor spot exposed to at least six hours of direct sunlight every day.

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      Water the strawberry pot lightly immediately after planting. Use a watering can to irrigate the soil until evenly moist, not soggy. Irrigate the pot every four to five days because most herbs prefer infrequent but deep watering. Inspect the herbs for signs of drought such as wilting or curling of leaves and increase irrigation frequency, specially during the summer months.

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      Feed the container herbs a liquid fertilizer every six weeks. Use the fertilizer at half the recommended strength to prevent leaf burn.

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      Inspect growing herbs for pests such as caterpillars, aphids and spider mites. Spray infected parts with neem oil, or mix 1 gallon of water with 1 tbsp. liquid soap and spray over the pests.