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Sage Plants & Flies

Sage is the second most popular herb used in cooking, next to parsley, and is a recommendation for beginner gardeners, according to the West Virginia County Extension. Herbs such as sage tend to be resistant to bugs, but sometimes whiteflies can infest them.
  1. Identification

    • If you have a problem with white flies, a cloud of them will fly away from the plant if you disturb or shake it. The flies themselves are white and only about 1/16 inch long.


    • Whiteflies suck the sap from sage leaves and other plants, causing them to turn yellow, wither and fall off the plant. The flies excrete a sugary solution called honeydew. It makes the leaves sticky and sometimes a black sooty mold grows on it, making photosynthesis difficult.


    • Using insecticidal soap or oil sprays can control whiteflies. Certain companion plants can be planted with sage to repel whiteflies. These include garlic, French marigolds, nasturtiums and Calendula. Shoofly plants are also good companion plants because they trap whiteflies on their leaves.