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Reproduction of Bee Balm and Wild Bergamot

Bee balm and wild bergamot, as species of the Monarda genus, are members of the mint family. Bee balm and wild bergamot are so similar that people confuse them with each other. These perennial herbs reach 24 to 48 inches tall. Monarda plants have the square stem, which is common to plants in the mint family. Tea is made from the leaves of Monarda plants.
  1. Seeding

    • Monarda plants commonly grow from seed. The seeds do not require cold treatment to germinate, but the germination rate improves when exposed to two weeks of cold temperatures. Cover the seeds with twice their thickness of soil; they sprout in two to three weeks.

    Stem Cuttings

    • Take Monarda stem cuttings while the parent plant is still young. Remove the lower leaves on the cuttings and place the end of each cutting in a container with equal parts of potting soil and sand. Keep the rooting soil mixture moist until new roots grow.

    Plant Division

    • You can also reproduce Monarda plants through divisions. Dig up the parent plant and separate the smaller plants from the larger plant. Replant the individual Monarda plants.