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The Things Needed to Start an Herb Garden

If you enjoy gardening and love cooking, then creating your own herb garden can help with both hobbies. Freshly grown herbs can improve the flavor of everything from soups and sauces to pastas and salads. Creating an herb garden is straightforward and you won't need a lot of equipment or space. Grow herbs on a patch of existing vegetable or flower garden, raise them in garden and patio planters or grow them in containers on a windowsill or fire escape.
  1. Soil and Compost

    • Soil is the most important element for an herb garden. Herbs need high-quality, well-drained soil to grow properly. If your soil is boggy or waterlogged, then grow herbs in containers on raised beds or on a windowsill rather than in existing vegetable and flower beds. Wherever you grow the herbs, add compost to garden soil to ensure they receive the correct nutrients. If you don't have a garden, buy topsoil and compost from a garden center.


    • Herbs grow well in containers placed in sunny locations. Choose any type of plant container or plant pot for your herb garden. Plastic or pottery containers work equally as well, but they should include holes in the bottom to allow excess water to drain away. Consider wooden planters or a wooden herb "wheel" with different segments for different types of herb.


    • Creating an herb garden requires few garden tools. A small trowel will help you to pot the herbs successfully in containers or in the garden. Use sharp pruners to cut sprigs or leaves from the main herb plant when you need herbs for a recipe. Water herb plants occasionally with a small garden watering can. You may also need a plastic tray on which to place pots or containers for a windowsill herb garden.

    Herb Plants

    • Buy herb plants or seeds from garden centers and some hardware stores. Select the herbs that will be most useful. For example, grow oregano, basil and rosemary for Italian foods, choose epazote and chili peppers if you like Mexican food and raise lemongrass and Thai basil if you're partial to Asian cuisine. Mix and match herb types, but grow them in separate containers. Some herbs produce stunning flowers so this is another consideration, particularly if you grow them in the garden.