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Dill Herb Container Gardening

Dill is a delicate herb that can be used to give zest to fish recipes, sauces and pickles. It can be grown in the spring or early summer. The delicate yellow flowers can also be used as a garnish for cold dishes and salads. Dill prefers a sunny spot in the garden and grows to around 3 feet tall. Harvest the leaves in the spring and summer before the plant flowers. Dill is equally happy to grow in a container or directly in the soil.

Things You'll Need

  • Dill seeds
  • Moist compost
  • Trowel
  • Small starter pots or seed trays
  • Container or pot
  • Gravel or stones
  • Watering can with fine spray
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      Plant the dill seeds into moist compost.

      Fill the seed tray or small pots with moist compost. Sow each dill seed into the compost (one or two per small pot), then sieve a little more compost over the top to cover them. Water the seeds with a fine spray. Move the container to a warm place to allow the seedlings to grow. A warm window sill or propagator is ideal.

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      Transplant the seedlings when they are about 2 inches high into larger pots or containers that have some loose gravel in the bottom for drainage, topped up with compost. Leave plenty of space around each seedling. The container can then be put in a sunny position in the garden. Keep it watered using a fine spray, particularly in extreme dry conditions.

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      Remove any weeds around the plants and keep them watered. Cut the leaves on a regular basis to encourage new growth during the summer. You can also allow the dill to go to seed and collect the seeds as soon as the flower heads are brown. The seeds should be allowed to dry off indoors before using for cooking.