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Chemical Weed Control for Pumpkins

Pumpkins are tender, warm-season vegetables that grow on sprawling vines. The prostrate growth of the vines makes cultural weed control methods such as hoeing and tilling difficult. The use of recommended chemicals is among the best way to control weeds in pumpkins.
  1. Identification

    • The Michigan State University Extension recommends the use of bensulide, clomazone and sethoxydim as effective chemicals for weed management in pumpkins. All chemicals are sold under different trade names.


    • Products containing bensulide are selective, general-use herbicides that control broadleaf weeds and annual grasses like crab grass and bluegrass. Clomazone herbicides are effective as early pre-plant and pre-emergent weed management. The use of clomazone requires caution as it can also harm desired plants. Sethoxydim products are effective for selective, post-emergence control of perennial and annual grasses.

    Method of Use

    • Apply bensulide in 1 to 2 inches of well-worked and moderately dry soil before seeding pumpkins. The residual effect of the herbicide lasts for three to four weeks. You can apply clomazone either after seeding pumpkins or before transplanting. Use less of the herbicide in coarse-textured soil and avoid use on jack-o'-lantern pumpkins. Clethodim provides post-emergence control of actively growing grasses in pumpkin patches.