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Herbs for Planter Boxes

A great number of herbs can be grown in planters. They can be put outside in a planter box for the summer and brought indoors to be grown as houseplants throughout the winter. Use a planter box with holes in the bottom for drainage and soil that drains well. As an added precaution, place a 1-inch layer of gravel in the bottom of the planter to make sure excess water drains away quickly.
  1. Basil

    • Basil is used in tomato and pesto sauces.

      Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is well-suited to growing in a planter box. It is a bushy annual herb that grows to a height of 2 to 3 feet. Pinching the tops off of the stems will encourage the plant to stay more compact and bushy. There are a variety of cultivars from which to choose. Minimum or Greek basil is a compact variety that grows to only 1 to 1 1/2 feet tall. The Purpureum cultivar can make the planter box more colorful with its purple leaves and purple-pink flowers. Basil leaves should be picked early in the morning for fullest flavor. Take the leaves from young stems before they bloom.


    • Chives add a mild onion flavor to foods.

      Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) are clump-forming perennials. The plant grows from a bulb to a mature height of 1 foot. This herb also provides ornamental value with its fluffy purple flowers that are held above the plant on 18-inch stems. Garlic or Chinese chives have the flavor and fragrance of garlic. Leaves can be harvested when they grow to 6 inches in height. The leaves will begin to dry after the blooms fade. Regular harvesting will prevent the plant from blooming.


    • Oregano is commonly used in spaghetti and pizza sauces.

      Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a shrubby herbaceous perennial herb that does quite well when grown in a planter. It grows to a mature height of 1 to 1 1/2 feet. Lavender flowers are produced by this plant in the summer but the buds should be pinched off immediately for more flavorful leaves. The Greek oregano variety (Origanum vulgare hirtum) is more flavorful than common oregano. After the plant reaches a height of 6 inches, harvest the leaves early in the morning by cutting off the stem and then removing the leaves.


    • Parsley is used as a garnish and to add flavor soups and salads.

      Parsley (Petroselinum) is another herb that does well in planters. This clump-forming annual grows to a mature height of 1 foot tall. Curly-leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum) has a peppery flavor, while Italian or flat-leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum neopolitanum) has a slight pine flavor. Cut the parsley fresh each time it is needed and use it right away. Parsley can be harvested and stored in the refrigerator but it will become tough quickly.


    • Thyme is used to flavor Italian and French foods as well as soups and breads.

      Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is also an herbaceous perennial that can be grown successfully in a planter box. This shrubby herb grows to approximately 1 foot tall. It blooms in the summer, producing light pink or lavender flowers. Lemon thyme (T. x citriodorus) has a lemony fragrance. Argenteus is a variegated form of lemon thyme. The plant should be allowed to establish before heavy harvesting. Snip leaves sparingly during the first year of growth.