Home Garden

Herb Planter Plans

Whether you plan to use your herb garden indoors or alone on a patio or as part of a larger landscape in a flower bed or vegetable garden, container growing has many advantages. Containers allow you to plant herbs such as mint or horseradish, which are invasive and harder to control in a bed. Herb pots can be used almost anywhere so they are ideal if you have limited space. Another plus is that containers offer mobility so you can enjoy herbs outside and move them inside during colder winter months.
  1. Apothecary or Psychic Garden Pot

    • Plant herbs such as lavender in an apothecary garden.

      Use herbs with healing qualities for your apothecary garden. This plan takes grouping several containers that work together, but keeps plants separate. The concept behind the separate pots of an apothecary or psychic garden is that it makes identification easier. Use small, medium and large pots in a pleasant arrangement for your herbs. Plant Calendula officinalis (marigolds), which add a spot of color but are used in soothing creams. Other herbs to try include: Sempervivum tectorum (houseleek), used to treat chapped skin and lips; Lavandula stoechas (lavender), used to cure tension headaches; Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort), used in treating anxiety; or Thymus vulgaris (thyme), used for sore throats.

    Cook's Herb Wheel

    • An herb wheel pot will give you plenty of fresh herbs to use in cooking.

      Divide your pot into six equal sections using stones or wood chips. In each section plant herbs frequently used in a kitchen such as chives, parsley, basil, dill or marjoram. If you use a smaller pot, plant only one herb in each section. In a larger pot, you can plant a mixture of kitchen herbs. In one or two of the sections include marigolds or nasturtiums, which add color. Both flowers have edible petals and can be used in cooking.

    Potager Pot

    • Terracotta plants add a natural element to a potager garden pot.

      A potager's pot includes herbs and vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes, strawberries and lettuce. Combine herbs such as basil, oregano, parsley with tomatoes or strawberries. Rosemary can be planted with cucumbers and other herbs. The traditional potager garden combines plants a cook would use, but is planted in a decorative way so that others can enjoy the garden. Use terracotta, stone or wooden pots to bring in the natural elements of a traditional garden.

    Potpourri Herb Pot

    • Plant herbs that make great potpourri after drying.

      Most herbs have aromatic foliage, which provides wonderful scents even after they are dried. A potpourri pot will provide you with wonderful smells as your herbs grow and again when used after drying. Plant Lavandula angustifolia -- a small, low-growing lavender -- rosemary, mrytle, lemon verbena or Salvia elegans (sage). Other possibilities for a potpourri pot include myrtle (for a larger pot); silver-leafed thyme and jasmine.