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What Is Siberian Motherwort?

Siberian motherwort, also known as honeyweed or Leonurus sibiricus, is a leafy plant originally native to central and southwestern Asia, including Russia, China and Mongolia. This plant has also spread to many other parts of the world, including North America and the United States. Siberian motherwort has several traditional medicinal uses, including treatment of menstrual problems and illness.
  1. Appearance

    • This plant grows to between 8 and 32 inches high, and has a long stem with thin, hand-like leaves growing up its length. The leaves are 1 to 2 inches long, with toothed margins. Siberian motherwort also produces white, reddish or purplish-red flowers in whorls around the top half of the stem between midsummer and early fall. In some areas, this plant flowers year round.


    • In its natural range, Siberian motherwort prefers sandy or stony grassland environments and pine forests. The plant grows from seed, and requires full sunlight to germinate properly. This fast-growing herb prefers warm climates. It tolerates frost poorly, meaning home growers may do best with container-grown plants that they can take indoors in winter. Water and fertilize well to produce healthy plants, but avoid growing conditions with poor drainage that can injure the roots.


    • Siberian motherwort has traditionally been used to treat snake and insect bites, regulate the menstrual cycle, and alleviate fever and other illnesses. This plant also acts as a diuretic. It contains a number of alkaloids that cause feelings of euphoria, and has been used as a stimulant and aphrodisiac. Siberian motherwort is part of devotional rites in India, and folk magic in parts of Mexico, notes the website Entheology.


    • Leonurus sibiricus contains small amounts of several compounds, and produces a mildly narcotic effect. It is sometimes used as a marijuana substitute in parts of Mexico, or mixed with other herbal smoking blends in a rolled cigarette. When used as a drug, this plant may be called marihuanilla. Since its effects are very mild, use of this plant is not illegal in the United States.