Home Garden

How to Grow Healthy Herbs

Herbs are plants that are used to add seasoning and savor to food. They may be added raw to your plate or they may be dried and sprinkled on the food. While buying herbs at the grocery store is an expensive prospect over time, growing herbs on the windowsill or in your home garden allows you to have a ready source of herbs whenever you need them through the growing season.

Things You'll Need

  • Trowel
  • Sand
  • Burlap
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      Select herbs that suit your location. If you have an area with strong light that shines for between 6 and 8 hours a day, you can grow nearly any herbs that you wish. If you are trying to grow herbs in a shaded area, stick with shade-tolerant herbs like mint, cilantro and tarragon.

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      Work the soil with a trowel until it is very loose and wet it slightly before sowing the seed. Sow your herb seeds very shallowly, and pat the soil firmly over them.

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      Mix fine seeds like savory and thyme with sand before sowing them. This allows you to distribute the finer seed more evenly.

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      Wet a length of burlap and lay it over your herb seeds until they start to germinate. This holds in the water while preventing birds from eating the seeds.

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      Water your herbs with a fine spray to prevent the small seeds from washing away. Avoid overwatering the herbs, as this adversely affects their growth.