Home Garden

Blow Flies Started Appearing in My House

Blow flies are closely related to houseflies and are generally classified as nuisance pests that breed in unsanitary sites and ill-managed food-handling areas. Though the insects do not bite, they can transmit diseases from filth. Blow flies are also commonly referred to as bottle flies, and the scavenging pests are frequently found in and around homes.
  1. Description

    • Adult blow flies range in length between 1/4- to 1/2-inch long and have dark green, metallic bodies with black legs. Certain species have distinct orange-colored heads, yellow mouthparts or bronze color. The flies lay their tiny, white- to cream-colored eggs in large masses. Eggs are elongated with slightly tapered ends. The emerging larvae have pointed heads and a mature length of 1/2 or 2/3 inches.

    Life Cycle

    • Blow flies have a life span of two to eight weeks and lay thousands of eggs in masses of 40 to 1,000 during this periods. Groups of females are usually responsible for larger egg batches. Under warm and humid conditions, the eggs hatch within 24 hours. The emerging maggots are mature in four to 10 days. The developmental rate is accelerated under optimal feeding conditions. The mature larvae take about a week to pupate, retreating to dark and secluded areas in the house, and then emerge as adults. The females start to lay eggs within a week.


    • All varieties of blow flies occur throughout the United States and in all temperate regions around the world. The flies are attracted to decaying organic matter and frequently infest animal wounds. Dirty sheep are a favorite breeding ground. In domestic settings, the flies are found around nectar, garbage and other refuse. The flies do not infest hygienic areas or healthy tissues. Dead animals such as bird and raccoons around the house or in chimneys or dead mice in walls can lead to flies in the house. A leak in sewer pipes is often found to be cause of sudden appearance of blow flies.


    • Maintaining sanitary conditions in and around the house is the best way to control blow fly populations. Do not allow garbage to accumulate for too long and make sure trash cans have close-fitting lids. Check window and door screens and sewer pipes for damage. Poorly maintained compost piles or animal litter on the property also encourage flies. Install fly strips around windows to capture flies. Recommended insecticides for use inside the house include products containing cyfluthrin, permethrin or deltamethrin.