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Chaste Herbs & Trees

A native of India and China, the chaste tree is also referred as the lilac chaste tree, sage tree, hemp tree or Indian spice, as well as its scientific name, Vitex agnus-castus. The chaste tree mimics lilac bushes and shrubs, but is more adaptable to warmer temperatures -- unlike lilacs, which prefer cooler conditions.
  1. Characteristics

    • Vitex is classified as a small tree or large shrub and attracts insects and butterflies with its blossoms. Older cultivars produced smaller flower spikes in mauve, light pink, pale lilac or off-white. Modern cultivars such as "LeCompte," "Salinas Pink" or "Montrose Purple" form spikes of flowers that measure about 8 to 10 inches long. The Vitex blooms from May to September. Leaves are shaped similar to a hand with five to seven leaflets and have a sage-like odor to them.


    • Chaste tree prefers full sun or light shade and adapts to almost any type of soil that is well drained. It does not tolerate overly moist conditions and may potentially die off in soil that retains too much water. The chaste tree is hardy to USDA Winter Hardiness Zones 6 through 9. Vitex agnus-castus will withstand cooler winters, but may die back and re-emerge from the roots in the spring. The related Vitex negundo, also known as chaste tree, is hardy in somewhat cooler climates.


    • Chaste tree can be propagated in either summer or winter. Volunteer seedlings may appear at the base of the tree and can be transplanted. Vitex may also be started from seed in a nursery setting. The chaste tree generally possesses multiple trunks. The formation of trunks can be controlled when the plant is a seedling in the nursery by training it to produce one or more trunks.

    Medicinal/Herbal Uses

    • Seeds of the chaste tree were used centuries ago as a substitute for pepper. Ground fruit and seeds were also used in an effort to reduce the libido and sustain chastity. Chaste tree berries are also used to treat fevers, uterine cramps, hangovers, constipation and flatulence, according to the Georgetown University. Vitex is also shown to reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome such as mood swings, headaches, irritability and breast discomfort.