Home Garden

Can Lavender Be Grown in Acid Soil?

One of the most commonly grown herbs in home gardens, lavender has a variety of uses ranging from perfumes to insect repellents. Though relatively easy to grow, lavender only thrives under conditions similar to those of the Mediterranean region where it originated. Proper soil is essential if you are planning to grow lavender, and acidity levels are an especially important consideration.
  1. Soil and pH

    • The acidity or alkalinity of soil is measured by its pH. A pH level of about 7.0 is considered neutral, while anything higher is alkaline and anything lower is acidic. If you are unsure of your soil's pH, a soil test from your nearest University Extension office will tell you the pH of your soil as well as the levels of various nutrients.


    • Most of the plants commonly grown around homes and backyard gardens, including turf grasses and most vegetables, prefer neutral to slightly acidic soil, with a pH between about 6.0 and 7.0. Lavender prefers neutral to alkaline soil, with a pH of just over 7.0 being ideal. Lavender will tolerate slightly acidic soil, and is adaptable enough to survive with a pH anywhere between 5.8 and 8.3, but it will never reach its full potential in very acidic soil.

    Altering pH

    • If you have acidic soil, liming is the most common method to raise its pH. Common liming materials like crushed limestone and dolomite are composed largely of calcium carbonate, which neutralizes acid to raise pH. If your soil's pH is too high for lavender, you can lower it by incorporating sulfur into the soil. Acidic organic materials like sphagnum and peat moss can also lower pH over time.

    Other Considerations

    • Lavender grows best in sandy or loamy soil that is well-drained and moderately fertile. Lavender is very drought-tolerant, but cannot handle excessive water. Avoid locations where the soil becomes saturated or puddles form after a rain. Clay soil is also to be avoided. Lavender thrives in hot, sunny conditions, so plant it on a south-facing slope with lots of sun exposure if possible.