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Recommendations for Winter Rye Seeding

Rye is a cultivated wild grain species native to southern European and Asia, initially considered a wheat and barley weed. The early Dutch and English settlers introduced rye into the northeastern regions of the United States. At present, less than 50 percent of cultivated rye in the country is used for grain. The primary use of the plants is for hay, pastures and as cover crops. Rye is among the most used high quality forages and stored forages for winter especially for livestock with high nutritional needs.
  1. Seeding Time

    • The recommended time to seed winter rye is between late summer and early fall if the crop is intended for use as forage, as cited by the Purdue Cooperative Extension. If rye is planted for grain, the recommended time is to plant two weeks later, between early fall and late fall. As a general rule of thumb, rye used as cover crop, green manure or pasture is best planted two to eight weeks prior to a grain crop.

    Winter Rye Advantages

    • Rye is highly recommended as a winter cover crop because the rapid growth prevents potential soil erosion from water or winter weather. The plants have deep roots that reduce compaction in tilled fields and improve soil tilth. Rye has rapid growth rate in fall and produces more dry matter for spring as compared to a number of other cereal grains. Rye plants are the most hardy cereal grains with established plants tolerant of temperatures as low as -30 degrees F. The seeds are able to germinate at 33 degrees F.

    Soil Conditions

    • Plant rye in well-drained loam for best growth with a preferred pH ranging between 5.0 to 7.0. The plants also grow well in heavy clay and sand and have a higher drought tolerance than a number of other grains. Rye adapts well to poorly fertile soils that fail to support optimal growth of other cereals. Light applications of nitrogen are recommended but not required if planted after crops that have been amply fertilized with nitrogen such as corn.

    Seeding Rate

    • The seeding rate for rye depends upon the seeding method. Recommended rate for drilling into tilled land is between 60 and 110 lbs. per acre. For planting into existing sod, the rate is 90 to 120 lbs. per acre. When rye is broadcast or air seeded, a rate of 150 lbs. per acre is recommended in order to produce an adequate stand.