Home Garden

Organic Lavender Wreaths

Lavender is a popular fragrance-producing herb. It has many varieties, which means that varieties adapted to different climates. Lavender plants must have good-draining soil and full-sun exposure. Organic lavender is made into wands, potpourris and wreaths.
  1. Description

    • Lavender has narrow, gray-green evergreen leaves. Its bluish-purple flower spikes produce most of the plant's scent. The perennial blooms during spring and summer.


    • Organically grown lavender is used to make large and small lavender wreaths. They are placed in drawers, closets and other areas to fill them with lavender's fragrance. The wreaths also are used as car air fresheners, scorpion deterrents and moth repellents.


    • Organic lavender is lavender that is grown without exposure to harmful pesticides, chemical fertilizers and/or bioengineering. A U.S. Department of Agriculture-approved inspector examines the environment where the lavender is farmed to determine whether or not the it deserves the organic label.