Home Garden

How to Cut a Rosemary Bush Stem to Grow a New Bush

You can propagate rosemary by seed or by layering. The quickest and easiest method for the home gardener, however, is to cut a stem from a healthy established rosemary plant and grow a new bush from it. Since most available rosemary plants are hybrids, cuttings offer the distinct advantage of growing a bush that is identical to the parent specimen. It's nice knowing exactly what you're going to get from your efforts.

Things You'll Need

  • Clean, sharp knife or scissors
  • Peat moss
  • Perlite
  • 2-inch pot
  • Powdered rooting hormone (optional)
  • Plastic bag
  • Rubber band
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    • 1

      Choose a mature, healthy rosemary plant to take your cutting from in the spring when the plant has resumed active growth. This cutting will grow into a clone of the host plant, so pick one that you like.

    • 2

      Snip a 2- to 3-inch stem tip from this year's new growth with a clean, sharp knife or scissors. Clip the leaves from the lower two-thirds of the stem. Leave at least five or six leaves at the top.

    • 3

      Combine equal parts peat moss and perlite. Fill a 2-inch pot with the rooting medium to within 1/2 inch of the rim. Set the pot in a container of warm water until the surface of the medium feels moist. Take the pot out of the water and allow it to drain freely for about an hour.

    • 4

      Moisten the lower 1/4 inch of the rosemary cutting with water and dip it in powdered rooting hormone, if you wish. Make a 1/2-inch-deep depression in the center of the rooting medium. Plant the rosemary cutting and firm the medium around the stem.

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      Cover the pot with a plastic bag to create a miniature greenhouse. Secure it with a rubber band around the pot.

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      Set the rosemary cutting in a warm, brightly lit spot out of direct sunlight. A warm windowsill or the top of your refrigerator are good locations. Your cutting will root in 14 to 21 days.

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      Check the rooting medium every day to make sure that it never dries out. Keep it evenly moist but not wet or soggy.

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      Remove the plastic bag when you see new growth emerge from the rooted cutting. Step it up to a bigger pot, or plant it outdoors.