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Hyroponic Varieties of Parsley

Parsley is an herb used in numerous dishes both as a seasoning and a garnish. While parsley grows well in a traditional outdoor garden setting, it lends itself equally well to growth in a hydroponic setting. Hydroponic growing involves growing the parsley in a nutrient-rich solution rather than in soil. Growing parsley hydroponically indoors allows you to enjoy freshly harvested parsley no matter the season.
  1. Types

    • Both the flat leaf or Italian parsley and curly leaf parsley grow well in a hydroponic garden. When grown in a traditional garden, these plants require moist, rich soil. This means that the continuous, nutrient-rich solution used in hydroponic growing is ideal for these types of parsley. These types of parsley reach a height of between 15 and 18 inches. These varieties of parsley live for two years and need plenty of artificial or natural light.

    Starting the Seeds

    • Purchase fresh Italian or curly leaf parsley seeds from a reputable dealer to give your plants better odds of growing and thriving. Plant the seeds initially in rock wool cubes or in regular potting mix, and care for them as you would any plant grown in soil. Once the seedlings grow to a height of 2 to 3 inches, place the cubes into the hydroponic chamber or gently rinse away potting mix from the roots of the plant and place it into the hydroponic chamber. From that point, follow the instructions for growing your parsley as directed by your hydroponic growing system.


    • Parsley is a full-sun plant when grown outdoors. As mentioned previously, curly leaf or flat-leaf parsley requires plenty of natural or artificial light when grown hydroponically. Use full-spectrum UV bulbs if possible to provide your parsley with the optimum light conditions to grow strong and healthy. If full-spectrum bulbs are not available, use of fluorescent lights is acceptable and often produces fine results in hydroponic parsley growth. Finally, if you have access to a full-sun window, try placing your hydroponic growth apparatus on that windowsill or near that window to reap the benefits of the natural sunlight for your hydroponic parsley.


    • Both flat leaf and curly leaf parsley may become bushy when grown in a hydroponic setting. You may encourage growth either upwards or outwards by pruning the parsley to grow in one of those directions. Pruning away one side of a forked growth encourages upward growth, while pruning away the topmost growth of the parsley encourages bushier, wider growth. Be prepared to offer supports to any variety of hydroponically grown parsley, as the chamber often does not provide the same root stability for the plants as soil and assistance may be required.