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Examples of C4 Shrubs & Herbs

C4 is a type of photosynthesis that is somewhat rarer than the C3 photosynthesis of which the majority of plants are capable. It is called C4 because CO2 is first incorporated into a four-carbon compound during the photosynthesis process. C4 plants can photosynthesize at higher temperatures and light intensity than C3 plants, and use water more efficiently. This makes them excellent plants for areas with poor irrigation and very high summer temperatures. Corn is one of the better known C4 plants.
  1. Caryophyllales

    • Caryophyllales is a plant order that contains several families that include a high percentage of plants that use C4 carbon fixation. Among these, the family Chenopodiaceae contains the most C4 species with approximately 550 of out 1,400 species. The family Amaranthaceae also has a high percentage of species that use this form of photosynthesis with approximately 250 out of 1,000 species.

    Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae

    • The related Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae plant families contain a high percentage C4 plants. Within the Chenopodiaceae, the following genera include C4 species: Anabis, Aellenia, Arthrophytum, Atriplex, Bassia, Bienerta, Camphorosma, Chenolea, Climacoptera, Comulaca, Cytobasis, Echinopsilon, Gamanthus, Girgensohnia, Halanthium, Halimocnemis, Halocharis, Halogeton, Halostigmaria, Haloxylon, Hammada, Horaninovia, Hypocyclix, Kochia, Londesia, Noaea, Panderia, Petrosimonia, Salsola, Seidlitzia, Suaeda, Theleophyton and Traganum. Within the Amaranaceae, these genera include C4 plants: Acanthochiton, Aerva, Alteranthera, Amaranthus, Brayulinea, Froelichia, Gomphrena, Gossypianthus, Lithophila and Tidestromia.


    • The Euphorbiaceae is plant family comprising at least 2,100 species, including many that use C4 photosynthesis. C4 plants in the genus Euphorbia include the Hawaiian species Euphorbia atoto, E. atrococca, E. celastroides, E. celastroides, E. celastroides, E. celastroides, E. celastroides, E. clusiaefolia, E. degenieri, E. forbesii, E. hillebrandii, E. arnzottiana, E. multiformis var. manoana, E. multiformis, E. olowaluania, E. remyi, E. remyi, E. remyi, E. rockii, E. skottsbergii and E. tatitenisis.


    • Poaceae is the plant family that includes all of the grasses and our grain crops. The best known plant in the Poaceae that uses C4 photosynthesis is corn. Of the Poaceae species, 46 percent are C4 plants, accounting for more than 60 percent of all C4 plants. Millet and sugar cane are also C4 plants in the Poaceae species.